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Hungry for Virtue

Christian responses to The Hunger Games have run in one of two directions. Some see the trilogy as a powerful critique of violence and the role in plays in contemporary society. Others wonder whether refusing t...
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Bullies R Us

Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become your character. Watch your character, it becomes your d...
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Kinyarwanda: Forgiveness is Freedom

Kinyarwanda: Forgiveness is Freedom, a new movie from talented African American director Alrick Brown, is not a movie about genocide, though it is set in  Rwandan during the 100 days in 1994 during which ...
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Scripture Wasn't Written for Men Alone

After seeing the film, The Stoning of Soraya M., it is far too easy for Christians and Jews to rush to judgments of Islam. The film raises questions not only about the few evil practitioners of religion, suc...
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Christian Leaders Becoming Atheists

Lately, I have been reading and hearing many stories of pastors and leaders of the faith going public about their doubts and unbelief with regards to the faith they have been preaching for a living for their e...