Two Years Later: A Prayer for Haiti

Loving God, We come to you, first, in silence. We mourn those who died two years ago in the earthquake. And we mourn with those who continue to mourn. We come to you in sadness, too, for the suffering of...
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Jesus is My Koan

Recently, at a public forum, I was asked to address the question as to whether or not America is having a spiritual revival.  It was an easy question to address because there is blatant evidence from coast to...
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A Prayer for Japan

It is too soon for meaning-making with the ongoing crisis in Japan. There will be time later to determine its ramifications for the world economy, for the future of the much-vaunted "nuclear renaissance." Bu...
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Does it Pay to Pray for Healing?

A widowed mother of six dies of breast cancer. In the months preceding her death, the members of her church held weekly prayer meetings, begging God to heal her.  Twice, all night prayer vigils were held on ...
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Let Us Pray. . .Together

A few years ago, a bunch of activist-types and a bunch of prayer-warriors got together to create a prayer book with the goal of bringing together the bible and the newspaper. We were all convinced that praye...
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One Year Later: A Prayer for Haiti

A Kindergarten Classroom Currently Being Rebuilt: Photo Courtesy of Haiti Partners Haiti Partners Prayer Loving God, We come to you, first, in silence. We mourn those who died one year ago today in the ear...