Join us this weekend in person and online for a time of reflection, repentance, and response to the crisis of gun violence in America. In 2020, America lost more than 40,000 lives to gun violence. Interpersonal violence has surged in many American cities, and stresses from a pandemic, economic upheaval, and more threaten to increase the rate of suicide. 

Amid this challenging environment, faith leaders from around the country are gathering in Houston. We will remember those whose lives have been lost with a service of prayer on Saturday, share stories of hope and success in gun violence interruption efforts, hear from civic leaders—including the chief of police for the city of Houston, and call on state leaders to protect our communities.

Sat Sep 04  |  8:30-10:30 AM  |  Gun Disarming Hands-On Workshop

Location: Houston Mennonite Church (1231 Wirt Rd, Houston, TX 77055)

In a time when many feel hopeless as our lawmakers continue to do little to end gun violence, faith communities can lead the way with tangible action and provide a space of healing for families by disarming unwanted guns.  RAWtools will talk about their mission to “disarm hearts and forge peace” and share how local faith leaders can help safely disable unwanted guns in Houston in the months and years ahead. Residents in Houston and the surrounding area can bring unloaded firearms to be destroyed and transformed during this time. Please bring them, safely stored and unloaded, in your trunk or back seat of your vehicle.

Sat Sep 04  |  6:00 PM  |  Service of Remembrance

Location: Christ Church Cathedral  (1117 Texas Ave, Houston, TX 77002)

Join this powerful service as we hear reflections from national faith leaders and testimonials from survivors of gun violence. We will remember the lives lost to guns, and participate in an interactive liturgy that includes a process from RAWtools of transforming a gun into a garden tool as an expression of moving from fear to creativity. A forge will be used. 

Sunday Sep 05  |  10:00 AM  |  National Service of Hope & Action for Gun Safety

Location: Pleasant Hill Baptist Church (1510 Pannell Street Houston, TX 77020)

Join National Faith Leaders for Gun Safety, a coalition of ministries and pastors who are dedicated to work together to end gun violence and make every neighborhood safe. This worship service will focus on ‘Living a Life of Peace in Times Like These.’