taking the words of Jesus seriously

The People vs. The Death Penalty Film Series

Death Penalty Action, in conjunction with Red Letter Christians and The Wonder Brothers, has been working for over a year to fund and produce a documentary series about the people impacted by the death penalty and those fighting to abolish it. We are creating eight compelling mini-documentaries, each one focusing on the voices of experience. The first four episodes have been released and can be viewed here. The second video is shared below.

The next round of filming started on March 1 in Texas, so it is not too late to become a sponsor. To support this project visit the website to learn more and how you can help with this crowd-funded effort.

EVENT OPPORTUNITY! You can schedule any of the people featured in these videos to come to your school, faith community or civic group by using this form.

Derrick Jamison works to stop executions and end the death penalty, and he does so from the unusual platform of having been wrongly sentenced to death for a crime he had nothing to do with. In this brief film, Derrick shares about how twenty years on Ohio’s death row impacted him and his work to stop executions for both the innocent and the guilty. Derrick is a member of Witness to Innocence (bio here), an organization comprised of exonerated death row survivors and their families. He is also an Advisory Committee member of Death Penalty Action and active with Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, Ohioans to Stop Executions, and other organizations.

Support Derrick through his GoFundMe page.

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