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My Letter to the IRS

As a Christian, Easter marks the most stunning act of grace and enemy-love in human history – Jesus’ death and resurrection.  As Jesus was being tortured and executed, he cried out for mercy, even for those ...
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What Would Jesus Cut? Bread vs. Bombs

Growing up in the Bible belt in East Tennessee, I can remember an entire campaign built around – “What Would Jesus Do?”  There were WWJD bracelets, stickers, and t-shirts. Today there is a new campaign.  As...
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Bombs, Cookies And The Cross

There's some interesting talk stirring about how it may be necessary to cut defense expenditures to decrease the deficit. Even though the $533 billion budget is the elephant in the room and the $200, 000 spent ...
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Confusing Our Kids

I catch up on my news in the airport.  Yesterday I watched this obscure story about a second grader in Rhode Island who wore a baseball cap to school with soldiers carrying guns on the front.  The school author...