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Pigeon Monday

ToOrder Cheap Cialisday is Pigeon Monday. Or at least that’s what I call it. Hopefully I’ll start a new trend. It would seem that Jesus had something against pigeons. That’s evident from the story of Him ...
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Within a Yard of Hell…

The English missionary C.T. Studd said, “Some want to live within the sound of a church or chapel bell; I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell.” An admirable conviction! I have friends all over ...
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Problems of the Privileged

A friend of mine was playing golf at her country club  when she began to recognize a disturbing pattern: there were a lot of complaints about meaningless things. I asked for more detail, and she said, “Oh,...
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Forgetting the Poor?

There’s a passage in Galatians 2 that has always intrigued me, so this week I’m going to share three posts on the topic. This is from The Message translation of the Apostle Paul’s letter: “Recognizing that m...