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Love Wins

No, I am not submitting a belated entry into the heated conversation about Rob Bell’s latest book. I haven’t read Love Wins, so it would be inappropriate for me to enter the conversation. I do know, howeve...
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Christians and the Common Good

For the longest time, when Christians have thought about political engagement, they have often begun the discussion with the question:  what is the biblical role of government?  This is not a comple...
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Why Christians Don't Like Jesus

As the Red Letter Christian movement came to be known, I realized it would never be accepted.  This is because many Christians don’t really like the God that is revealed in Jesus Christ.  They want the God tha...
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The Health Care Debate Once Again. . .

Few things generate more controversy among Christians than political differences (though doctrinal differences are a close second!). With last nights repeal of the "Job-Killing Health Care Law Act" by a vote of...